untapped challenge


reignite your vision, realign your business model, and get crystal clear on your business financials to get back in aligned action!

Get The Resources

Designed To Give You Clarity

Are you an emerging coach, professional consultant, practitioner or service-based creative who is done with trading time for money? Perhaps you started your business with a fire in your heart to serve but now you feel overwhelmed, burnout and wondering how you really make a better impact?

In today’s wisdom economy, it’s all about leveraging what you know into amazing offerings that truly change people’s lives. Can you imagine having a simple, scaleable world-class business?

Discover the proven strategies to build a better business - Dive into the Reset-to-Scale Challenge below

why we built this challenge

Preventing one of the biggest mistakes most creators and entrepreneurs make.

not spending enough time on the vision and the strategy


Often this means they get stuck in time-for-money models or creating 100x offers that do not have a clear strategy, meaning customers get confused and you eventually get burnt out. Or you spend huge time and money on content when the real underlying problem is that your offer is not clear and you lack core messaging tools.

The design of the Reset to Scale Challenge is to

  • learn the frameworks and tools to create a solid intentional foundation for your business, with a clearly defined vision and mission

  • create a clear world-class business model and from there - scaling is easy with the right financial templates and resources to know you’re doing it right.

  • The time spent on these free resources will save you years of confusion and overwhelm in the future and build you something that leaves a legacy.

Dive into 3x

World-Class Trainings

ready to get started?

#1 Your North Star

Define Your Compelling Vision and Mission for the World.

#2 Modern Online Business Model

How To Build a Scalable and Profitable Business.

#3 Financial Focus

Finance 101, projections for money clarity, profitability and scalability.

training #1

Your North Star

Are you clear on your mission but know procrastination, perfectionism and self-sabotage are getting in your way?

Exploring the importance of anchoring into your Business Vision and Mission with this first training from the Reset-to-Scale Challenge on Your North Star.

The critical first step to building an extraordinary and impactful business.

what you’ll get

Gain clarity on your mission, vision and where you are heading

training #2

Modern Business Model Secrets

You feel stuck trading time for money and you want to redesign a better business model?

Feeling overwhelmed and not sure what to focus on to get the consistent clients and impact you desire?

In this next training you will learn how to build a modern business model that is both scalable (less time) and profitable (more revenue).

what you’ll get

Deeper awareness of how to create a scalable and valuable business model and leverage your unique gifts and skillsets as an entrepreneur and where to best spend your time.

training #3

Financial Focus

You might feel anxious when it comes to all things "finances" of your business and know you need better money mindsets and processes to upgrade this area.

Learn 101 finance, projections for money clarity and ensure your business can be profitable and scalable.

Watch this essential training now.

what you’ll get

Total clarity on your numbers, feel confident in your targets, clear on your costs and ready to make some serious profit!

Some Challenge Wins

Want All The Challenge Resources?

Yes, get all the videos above, slides, resources, and templates sent directly to you now


Briony McKenzie

EntrepreneuR | SPEAKEr | LEADERSHIP & Business Coach

Featured in Forbes for her thought leadership on Holistic Entrepreneurship, Briony blends a unique combination of systematic thinking with mindset breakthroughs to drive transformative change and incredible results.


Dalaney Davis

Entrepreneur | INVESTOR | Business MENTOR

Dalaney, a visionary entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Untapped and the creator of Marketing Flow Method™️, has spent his life cultivating tech startups, service businesses, and thought leadership practices with his core value of seeing business as a human-to-human interaction.

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03. develop your Action Plan for results asap

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