The Journey of Maya: From Crossroads to Clarity

Before Maya embarked on the Untapped Incubator program, she was at a crossroads with her business, in need of a significant change. Her holistic coaching business, Aminya, had been in existence for several years, but the initial stages were gradual.

As a mother of four children, she had limited time to dedicate to her entrepreneurial journey. Her business grew a little each year but it was nowhere where she wanted to be financially.

Finally, around Autumn last year, Maya found herself at a crossroads, something had to change. Her work was not reaching the people she knew it could, she felt confused on where to focus and she knew what she had was not a financially viable business for the life she desires. Maya felt a growing sense of frustration and a disconnect between her current situation and where she truly wanted to be.

Maya's journey of transformation and renewal began with a simple realization: she needed guidance to take her business to the next level. She turned to the internet for answers, seeking guidance and trying to find the right questions to ask. Her weeks were full with work, but it wasn't getting her any closer to her vision. It was a state of juggling without clarity. The frustration and uncertainty had taken hold.

For months, Maya searched for solutions online and advice from various sources, but nothing seemed to provide the clarity and alignment she sought.

A new chapter entered her entrepreneurial journey when she discovered an Untapped online trainings about scaling through systems and strategies. She was immediately drawn to the scalability and the promise of effective strategies. She joined the Untapped Incubator programme and after finally it felt like the solution she had been looking for.

After a few weeks into the Incubator program, Maya has experienced profound shifts. The most significant change has been gaining clarity. Clarity of her vision, and her offers offers. With clarity comes space, and she rekindled her joy for the business. It's like going back to the time when the excitement was new and exhilarating. She realized the possibility of enjoying life, making a profit, and generating leads while living life to the fullest.

These are three key points from Maya's journey:

1. Clarity of Vision is Transformative

Maya's journey highlights the transformative power of gaining clarity in your business. When you have a clear vision and purpose, it becomes easier to navigate challenges and make decisions that align with your goals.

2. Simplify Your Offerings

Maya's decision to simplify her offerings is a valuable lesson for all entrepreneurs. When she joined the Incubator she had multiple niches, online programmes, and a variety of small offers. Instead of offering a wide range of services based on demand, focusing on a core offer can boost confidence and provide clarity to both you and your clients.

3. Define Your Unique Method

In the Incubator, Maya's dived deeper into our true unique gifts and wisdom for the world - and designed the ‘Alchemy of Communication’. The concept of aligning her mind, body, and heart's intelligence centers, she creates powerful transformations for her clients, unlocking their potential. Creating a unique method vs just ‘selling coaching sessions’ is critical to being an extraordinary thought leader, being able to charge premium prices and having your work stand out.

It's been so amazing to see a truly gifted leader claim her gifts and build a business that truly works for her - this is just the beginning of this exciting journey, and Maya is ready and open to the surprises that the future holds.

For those feeling overwhelmed, unclear, or stuck in their business journey, Maya's advice is simple: "Take a step, take a leap." Remember, every great transformation starts with a single step.

Maya's journey in the Untapped Incubator Program serves as an inspiring example of how finding clarity, simplifying offerings, and designing a unique method can lead to transformation and renewed joy in business.

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