The Best Daily Productivity Planner

Do you feel like you have a never-ending to-do list?

So many of us wake up already stressed about how much we have on our plates for the day. We spread ourselves too thin trying to juggle everything at once, but never fulfilling on our true priorities.

We know that multi-tasking does not work.

When our focus is divided, we’re taking 10x as long and creating lower quality work than if we were committed to our tasks.

Introducing the transformative concept of TIME BLOCKING.

This has been a life-changer for productivity.

Time blocking allows you to pick ONE thing to focus on—a report, application, or essay—for 90 minutes. Turn your phone on aeroplane mode, and remove all distractions to get into deep work.

At the end of your deep work period, reward yourself. Listen to some tunes, go for a walk and get your body moving for at least 20 minutes.

Your rest is JUST as important as your deep work for your productivity.

This Daily Productivity Planner harnesses the power of time blocking and combines it with gratitude, stretch actions, and accountability.

How to use this Productivity Planner:

  1. Complete the intentions and tasks first thing in the morning or last thing the day before.

    You’ll know how you work best. Do you find it easier to close a workday off if you write down all your ‘tomorrow tasks’ the night before to get up and go in the morning? Or do you find it easier to wake up and start the day by reviewing what you need to do and then arranging your day?

  2. Write your daily stretch

    This is the action you’ve been putting off or feels intimidating. Maybe it’s making that phone call or cold pitching to a dream client. This might scare you to write down, but it’s likely going to be the task that actually moves the needle on your goals.

  3. Non-negotiable tasks

    Non-negotiable tasks are not the same as stretch goals. These are your urgent and important tasks. What project milestones do you need to meet today, or dates that need to be set in the calendar?

    NOTE: It could be MOST useful to do these tasks in your first time block/s.

  4. Close your day with gratitude

    You’ve done everything you needed to today, even if there are tasks you have been unable to complete. You can be intentional about how you want to feel. Perhaps you’re grateful for a pet, the weather, or a client interaction. Include your highlight of the day and what you are most proud of.

    BONUS: Share your highlight and win of the day with a loved one to share the love!


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