The Best FREE Weekly Planner

This isn’t your ordinary planner.

Say goodbye to to-do lists that are forgotten by midday Monday.

They’re uninspiring and overwhelming.

The Untapped Weekly Planner is a GAME-CHANGER. It optimises your energy and time, two of your most important resources.

How to use this Weekly Planner:

  1. Take space on a Sunday night or Monday morning to complete the planner.

    Keep this time as distraction-free as possible to ensure you make the most of your planning. Make it a whole moment with your favourite candle flickering, a mug of herbal tea, or a calming playlist in the background.

  2. Start left to right.

    Start by brain-dumping your incompletions list—we promise this clears SO much mental space for the week ahead. Move across to complete your appointments, meetings and non-negotiables for your well-being.

  3. Who can help you this week?

    High achievers, you know who you are, often struggle to ask for help. Remember, you weren’t made to do this alone. Ask your partner if they can make dinner this week. Ask your friends if they could organise the accommodation for the group trip. Delegate any non-important, non-urgent tasks at work. Let yourself be supported this week, and see what more you can accomplish.

  4. What’s your stretch action?

    A stretch action shifts you out of your comfort zone in a decisive way. Is there a course you want to sign up to? A call you’ve been putting off? A conversation you know you need to have? This is your opportunity for accountability and ACTION this week. Bonus: Have something lush planned for afterwards, like a yoga class or a catch-up with friends!

  5. Choose your mantra for the week. Be intentional about how you want to feel, and return to this throughout the week.

    Some of our favourite mantras:

    “How you do anything is how you do everything.”

    “Be. Do. Have.”

    “Progress over perfection.”

    “What you appreciate, appreciates!”

  6. ABC: Always Be Celebrating!

    We’re celebrating YOU for being intentional with your time and energy. At the end of each week, check back and acknowledge yourself for putting the work in!


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