Journey of Hannah: From Uncertainty to Empowerment in Grief Coaching

In the world of grief coaching, finding one's unique voice and approach can be a challenging journey. This was the case for Hannah, a grief coach who embarked on a transformative journey with the Untapped Incubator Program. Hannah's story is not just about professional growth but about finding clarity and confidence in a competitive and emotionally intense field.

Feeling Stuck and Questioning Her Path

As Hannah reflected on her challenges, she found herself questioning her fit in the traditional grief support market, dominated by counselors and therapists. Despite receiving positive feedback on her holistic approach, she grappled with doubts about her credibility and whether additional formal education was necessary.

Transformation Through the Incubator Program

The turning point for Hannah came with her involvement in the Untapped Incubator Program. The program provided her with a step-by-step process, direct support, and feedback that she hadn't experienced before. It helped her to gain confidence and clarity, essential for taking the next steps in her business.

The Biggest Shifts

Hannah's biggest shifts included gaining clarity on her vision and identifying the intersection between her passion and her 'zone of genius.' This clarity led to the creation of her core offer, "Loss to Empowered Living" - an 8-week coaching framework designed for heart-centered individuals rebuilding life after loss. This marked a significant milestone, symbolizing the integration of her personal experiences with professional expertise.

The Outcome

The incubator program not only helped Hannah in creating a valuable product but also in developing a newfound confidence in her work. She felt empowered by the structured support, accountability, and cheerleading provided by the program. Coming out on the other side, Hannah had a clear offer to present to the world, capable of helping more people.

For those considering joining a similar program, Hannah's advice highlights the unparalleled levels of support and logical, thoughtful structure that such programs offer. It's about going in, doing the work, and benefiting from personalized support and guidance.

Hannah's journey with the Untapped Incubator Program is a testament to the power of structured guidance and support in overcoming professional challenges. Her story is inspiring for anyone in the field of grief coaching or similar professions, showcasing how with the right support and dedication, one can transform challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

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