Feel Like a Fraud? Hear How Millionaires Beat Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome, the internal belief that you're not as competent as others perceive you to be, can be a significant barrier to personal and professional growth. In a world where success stories flood our feeds, it's easy to feel like you're not measuring up. This sentiment is at the heart of imposter syndrome, a psychological phenomenon where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as a "fraud." In this blogpost we offer an enlightening perspective on this topic, drawing from the experiences of successful millionaires who've navigated these treacherous waters.

Acknowledge and Share Your Feelings

One of the first steps to overcoming imposter syndrome is acknowledging your feelings. Admitting that you're experiencing these doubts can be liberating. Briony emphasizes the importance of sharing these feelings with trusted friends or mentors. This vulnerability can lead to discovering that you're not alone in your feelings, fostering a sense of community and support.

"The first thing you want to do with the inner critic is really shine a light on it and really acknowledge that it's there." 

She suggests that pretending these feelings don't exist only exacerbates the issue. Instead, finding a safe space and a supportive community where you can share these feelings is crucial. Briony shares, "One of the most profound and powerful things I have found with overcoming this is to acknowledge it and call it forward." This step is not just about self-awareness but about choosing whom to share with carefully to foster a supportive, empowering environment.

Celebrate Every Success

Keeping a "Success Journal". Documenting your achievements, no matter how small, serves as a tangible reminder of your capabilities and successes. This practice can help counteract the negative inner dialogue that fuels imposter syndrome.

Briony explains the significance of building an evidence bank, whether on your phone or in a journal, filled with positive feedback, achievements, and moments of recognition. 

"And what you want to do is build up this brag bank or the success journal to give yourself all the evidence that actually, you're incredible." 

This practice serves as a powerful antidote to the imposter syndrome's narrative, providing tangible proof of your capabilities and impact.

Set Realistic Goals

Setting achievable goals is crucial. Overambition can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy when goals are not met. By setting and achieving realistic goals, you build a foundation of success that can boost your confidence and diminish feelings of being an imposter.

This approach not only sets you up for success but also fosters a healthier relationship with your achievements and ambitions.

Visualization and Mindset

Visualizing success and practicing affirmations can rewire your brain to adopt a more positive and confident mindset, crucial in overcoming self-doubt.

Briony delves into the power of guided visualizations and affirmations, drawing from her background in hypnotherapy. She explains how these tools can reprogram the brain towards positivity and confidence, stating, "Your subconscious is 90 times more powerful and effective, so we want to utilize it a lot more." Through guided visualizations, individuals can begin to internalize and manifest the success they aim to achieve, bridging the gap between perception and reality.

Foster a Supportive Community

Surrounding yourself with a community that uplifts and supports you is perhaps one of the most vital strategies. Engaging with like-minded individuals who encourage your growth and recognize your achievements can make a significant difference in how you view yourself and your success.

This sense of belonging and support is pivotal in overcoming imposter syndrome, as it provides a constant reminder of your value and contributions.


Imposter syndrome is a common experience, even among the most successful individuals. The key to overcoming it lies in acknowledging your feelings, celebrating your achievements, setting realistic goals, practicing visualization, and surrounding yourself with a supportive community. By adopting these strategies, as shared in the Untapped podcast episode 63, you can move beyond feeling like a fraud to embracing and owning your success.

"Humanity needs your message and you to be your greatest version of yourself."

This journey is not just about overcoming imposter syndrome but about unlocking our full potential to make meaningful contributions to the world around us.

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