How to Create an Irresistible Coaching Offer

Hey Coach,

Do you ever struggle to communicate what you create for people? How you can change their life? Why they should join your programme?

Coaching can create some of the most transformational shifts in someone’s life but often what we do is so intangible it can be challenging to communicate and have someone really get the value of what you do right?

It feels like trying to explain to someone what September tastes like. It’s just doesn’t add up.

Recently we ran a Community Coaching Call on this exact topic (you can catch the recording here). In this call, we shared the secret to creating an irresistible offer…..

The secret to creating an irresistible offer is that you need to speak in your clients language.

Coaches are notorious for speaking in riddles. We think everyone knows what we know so we use concepts that most mainstream have never heard of “release your limiting beliefs” “reprogramme your unconscious mind” “discover your core values”. Or we use big generic words and phrases like “get confidence”, “clarity”, “connection to yourself” etc. However people don’t buy that, in fact they don’t even know they need that….

They want tangible RESULTS.

Yes we know the truth is your coaching will most likely give your clients a whole bunch of things they didn’t even know they needed. However, when they first register interest in working with you, they want one thing….RESULTS.

Our job as coaches, is to make sure our coaching offers have clear results. Here’s some questions to help you out…


  1. What is the main outcome of your coaching/coaching programme?

  2. What will some feel/experience when they finish working with you?

  3. What will your client do with that [insert results from above answers here]? Make these as tangible as possible (see examples below).

Here are a couple of examples:

Intangible: After my coaching programme for high-performing women, you will experience more confidence.

Tangible: Work with me so you have the confidence to ask for the pay rise, go for the leadership position, launch that side hustle.

Intangible: After my coaching programme for millennial women you will have financial freedom.

Tangible: Work with me so you can wake up each morning knowing you and your family are taken care of financially, you can go out to dinner and shout everyone free from guilt or fear.

Picking up what we are putting down?

The closer to home and more vivid you can make the RESULTS, the more powerful your message will land and the more people will want your offer.

Ready to deep dive further? Watch the Coach the Coach Community Call Recording here where we delve into some live coaching on this!


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